Making room for a little one

Infant baby room


So you’re about to welcome a new addition? Congratulations! As everyone from Great Aunt Imelda to Granny Ina has no doubt told you, everything is about to change.

This can include upsizing to one the properties on s1homes . . . but while you consider all of the possibilities, here’s how to ensure your current home is ready for its newest occupant.

Deep clean

What better excuse to give your home some tender loving care than the arrival of a little one? While baby’s immunity is developing it’s important to keep your home as germ-free as possible. Kickstart your new housekeeping regime with a deep clean and it will be easier to maintain. As well as vacuuming and dusting, steam clean any carpets that junior is likely to be crawling across. An extra benefit is your house will resemble a show home for viewers down the line.

Create storage

Despite being tiny, babies come with a whole lot of baggage. We’re talking lots of clothes (some babies can get through more outfits in a morning than a Beyonce concert), nappies, linens, medicines and ointments. That’s before you even think about = bulky things such as cots, prams, baths and high chairs. Suddenly your home will feel a lot tighter for space, so try to reclaim as much storage as you can by having a clear-out of non-essentials.

Prepare the nursery

If you have the luxury of a spare room to transform into a nursery, it’s time to get busy with the decorating. Teddy bear wallpaper anyone?

If you’re renting, check with the landlord about guidelines for painting or hammering nails. Even if you’re restricted in terms of a makeover, you can do a lot with accessories and removable wall stickers.

If your place has just the one bedroom, try to create distinct areas for you and for baby.

Baby proofing

Once baby arrives you’ll probably be too tired to think about baby proofing so start this now. Serious proofing kicks in once your little one is on the move, so you’ve still at least six months until that happens.

For now, ensure the cot or Moses basket is positioned somewhere warm (but not too warm), well-ventilated and not likely to be knocked over easily. Also think about what’s within grabbing distance, such as cords and wires.

If you have a pet, consider a baby gate to keep Tiddles or Tonto out of the sleeping room.

Finally, if you are considering upsizing, why not take a look at all the baby-friendly properties on s1homes?

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