
Houses for Sale in Gartmore


Victory Faraday, Gartmore, FK8 3SA
Fixed Price £136,944

Valuation: £136,944

2 bedroom bungalow

Willerby Brookwood, Gartmore, FK8 3SA
Offers Over £59,995
2 bedroom bungalow

ABI Roecliffe, Gartmore, FK8 3SA
Offers Over £59,995
2 bedroom bungalow

Swift Mozelle, Gartmore, FK8 3SA
Fixed Price £69,995

Valuation: £69,995

2 bedroom bungalow

ABI Ambleside, Gartmore, FK8 3SA
Offers Over £89,995
2 bedroom bungalow

Beverley Cherry Blossom, Gartmore, FK8 3SA
Offers Over £147,362

Valuation: £147,362

2 bedroom bungalow

Victory Faraday, Gartmore, FK8 3SA
Fixed Price £159,995

Valuation: £159,995

2 bedroom bungalow

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Trossachs Holiday Park, Gartmore, FK8 3SA
Offers over £120,000
2 bedroom lodge

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