
Houses for Sale in Langside


We haven't found a property matching your specific search criteria.

Gartferry Road, Chryston, G69 9JY
Prices From £362,995
4 bedroom detached house

Gartferry Road, Chryston, G69 9JY
Prices From £314,995
4 bedroom detached house

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Marywood Square, Strathbungo, G41 2BW
Offers over £260,000
2 bedroom townhouse

Springfield Park Road, Burnside, G73 3RG
Offers over £280,000
3 bedroom terraced house

Hamilton Road, Rutherglen, G73 3DG
Offers over £99,000
2 bedroom flat

Fairweather Place, Newton Mearns, G77 6BX
Offers over £120,000
1 bedroom bungalow

Kenmure Street, Pollokshields, G41 2NU
Offers over £200,000
2 bedroom flat

Bankholm Place, Clarkston, G76 8SH
Offers over £140,000
2 bedroom flat

Allison Place, Newton Mearns, G77 6DJ
Offers over £170,000
2 bedroom terraced house

151c Cunningham Drive, Giffnock, G46 6EW
Offers over £155,000
2 bedroom flat

Pathhead Road, Carmunnock, Clarkston, G76 9BZ
Offers over £510,000
5 bedroom detached house

Neilsland Oval, Pollok, G53 5HD
Offers over £110,000
3 bedroom flat