
Houses for Sale in Kirn


We haven't found a property matching your specific search criteria.

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Hunters Quay Holiday Village Hafton, Dunoon, PA23 8HP
Offers over £124,995
2 bedroom lodge

Toward, Dunoon, PA23 7UG
Offers over £310,000
3 bedroom bungalow

Marine Parade, Kirn, Dunoon, PA23 8LF
Guide price £120,000
2 bedroom flat

Blairmore, Dunoon, PA23 8TH
Guide Price £365,000
3 bedroom bungalow

Hunter Street, Dunoon, PA23 8DZ
Offers over £464,999
6 bedroom detached house

Marine Parade, Kirn, Dunoon, PA23 8HE
Offers over £250,000