
Plots for Sale in Glasgow


Gartferry Road, Chryston, G69 9JY
Prices From £362,995
4 bedroom detached house

Gartferry Road, Chryston, G69 9JY
Prices From £314,995
4 bedroom detached house

414 Millichen Road, Bearsden, G23 5HQ
Offers over £160,000
3 bedroom plot

Ingram Street, Merchant City, G1 1DX
Fixed price £17,000

Cumbernauld Road, Stepps, G33 6EY
Offers around £200,000

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Riverview Place, Waterfront, G5 8EH
Offers Over £180,000
3 bedroom flat

14 McNeil Street Glasgow, Hutchesontown, G5 0QN
Offers Over £170,000
2 bedroom flat

Kirkton Avenue, Knightswood, G13 3AF
Offers Over £145,000
2 bedroom flat

Crown Terrace, Dowanhill, G12 9EZ
Offers Over £420,000
4 bedroom flat

Mclennan Street, Mount Florida, G42 9DH
Offers Over £155,000
1 bedroom flat

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