
Flats for Sale in Greenbank


We haven't found a property matching your specific search criteria.

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

46/5 Polwarth Gardens, Polwarth, EH11 1LN
Offers over £365,000
2 bedroom flat

80/2 Harrison Gardens, Shandon, EH11 1SB
Offers over £310,000
2 bedroom flat

10 2f1, Craiglea Drive, Morningside, EH10 5PA
Offers over £325,000
2 bedroom flat

23 Bowbridge Crescent, Edinburgh, Eh17 8ux, Burdiehouse, EH17 8UX
Offers over £290,000
3 bedroom semi-detached house

20/3 Craiglea Place, Morningside (Edinburgh), EH10 5QD
Offers over £200,000
2 bedroom flat

Yeaman Place, Polwarth (Edinburgh), EH11 1BS
Offers over £165,000
1 bedroom flat

Oxgangs Road, Fairmilehead, EH10 7BE
Offers over £885,000
5 bedroom detached house

15 Peffer Bank, Peffermill, EH16 4AW
Offers over £130,000
1 bedroom flat

12 Printonan Crescent, Mortonhall, EH17 8GF
Offers over £450,000
4 bedroom detached house

Kenilworth Drive, Liberton, EH16 6DB
Offers over £165,000
2 bedroom flat