
Houses for Sale in Carrick Quay


We haven't found a property matching your specific search criteria.

Gartferry Road, Chryston, G69 9JY
Prices From £362,995
4 bedroom detached house

Gartferry Road, Chryston, G69 9JY
Prices From £314,995
4 bedroom detached house

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Dunlop Street, City Centre (Glasgow), G1 4ET
Offers over £355,000
3 bedroom flat

Kennedy Path, Townhead (Glasgow), G4 0PW
Offers over £185,000
3 bedroom flat

Grant Street, Charing Cross, G3 6HJ
Offers over £300,000
4 bedroom flat

Old Rutherglen Road, New Gorbals, G5 0UN
Offers over £235,000
3 bedroom flat

Plot 98, The Muir 7 Bedford Row, Gorbals, G5 9DD
Fixed price £333,995
3 bedroom detached house

Plot 97, The Muir 5 Bedford Row, Gorbals, G5 9DD
Fixed price £333,995
3 bedroom detached house

Hutcheson Street, Merchant City, G1 1SJ
Offers over £275,000
2 bedroom flat

1/1 19 St Mungo Avenue, Townhead (Glasgow), G4 0PG
Offers over £180,000
3 bedroom flat

Albion Street, Merchant City, G1 1QT
Offers over £180,000
1 bedroom flat

Gibson Street, Gallowgate, G40 2SN
Offers over £85,000
1 bedroom flat