Archive for the ‘Home Owners’ Category

Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours. Yes, it’s the lilting theme tune to that strangely addictive soap opera from Down Under . . . but the message is spot on. Having good relationships with the people who live around you is key to being truly happy in your home. For a minority of people, however, neighbours […]

When we think of the property ladder, we tend to think of people climbing up it. It’s about trading in a smaller home for a bigger, better, brighter one. It’s about using equity from one home to secure a more expensive one. After all, bricks and mortar are a good investment for the future. But […]

If you and your other half buy a property as a joint ownership then decide to separate, what happens to the home you bought together? For many couples the instinct is to sell the joint property as soon as possible, divide any equity and move on with their separate lives. This is quite common – […]

Legislation to remove the automatic council tax discount for second homes has been laid in Parliament, paving the way for further reforms due to take effect from April 2017. This change will give councils the option of offering no discount for second homes, arming them with another lever to encourage better use of housing stock […]

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